
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thirsty for Thirty

Thirsty for Thirty

30 Things You Must Do Before You Turn 30 by Nitish (mail me)

Worrying about life is a lot like coleslaw : It sucks, it’s an ugly mound of crap that somehow shows up on all of our plates, people who swear by it still know deep down that it sucks

I’m 23. I worry about life — decisions, happiness, legacy, Pride, Dignity, Self Respect and etc. — a lot more than I used to. And you know what? I’m tired of it. I know there are many people who are almost 23/are 23/were 23 who are tired of it too. It’s time we had much, much more fun.

So I’m sitting here, writing this list to myself … of great stuff to pile on my plate to drown out the Raayata HAHAHA!!. Of things to get done before I’m doughy, “Daddy,” and dead. And I’m having the time of my life.
Consider the below an aggressive bucket list for your average “young-ass old person.It’s a salute to enjoying and exploring your most formative adult years — it is wide-ranging, experimental, and chaotic, yet thoughtful, passionate, and precautionary, as these upcoming years will hopefully be. Enjoy, in somewhat random order:

1. Be very alone for at least 3 months.
New place, new environment, new situation, no close friends. Live alone, hang out alone often. Don’t even dare to contact your Family-Friends I mean just cut off from your social life-social world. Go somewhere so that your day-to-day is spent mostly away from those that you grew up with, went to school with, etc. You are around close friends lost of your life through your 20s … What are you like outside of that, left to your own devices?   

2. Do something sexually taboo.
Not because I condone any specific taboo sex acts in particular. I’m just saying, if you don’t think your future spouse or partner would be down, probably best to do it now. Your spouse will probably accept "

3. Swim with great whites.
Sharks, Fish, Dolphins or Gosling or whoever. You can be in the cage. But look deep into the eyes of a nonhuman who wants to rip you apart and kill and eat you. Good perspective to have. It'll also help you if you want to go into politics.

4. Try your dream job.
Or as close as you can get to it. Do it on the side, do it once per week, but do it. If it doesn’t affect your happiness, it probably isn’t your dream.

5. Take a standalone interest class.
Learn a new language, a technical skill, a creative outlet, a new type of exercise ... find one that's affordable, take it on winter Mondays, whatever. Great way to give you non-monetary goals to achieve, and a new reason to get up in the A.M. 

6. Get a Tattoo.
Make sure that whatever you're going to get tattooed is something that you put a lot of thought into ( not something like my friend has tattooed on his neck so called Tribal Tattoo n thats too permanent.. Useless Mayur ). It's one thing to remember tattoos last a lot longer than romance. Don't get tattooed for anyone else, get tattooed for you

7. Jump out of a plane or jump off a bridge-Building or Bungy Jumps.
If not literally but figuratively. Face your worst fears. Tell 1 person you've always had a crush on (and who you know is out of your league) that they oughta give you a crack at ‘em. Demand a raise. Something like that.

8. Plan at least the outline of your retirement.
Or at least, plan to plan it. I'm all for having fun right now, but one month of partying could one day be a minivan — 100% electric — for your grandkids to pee in and your robot to vacuum up. 

9. Re-read books from your high school reading list.
We probably couldn’t grasp their profundity back then, and we probably wish we had time to read them now like Nagraj- comics & all. Lots of them are about life discoveries and phenomena we’re currently experiencing. I just re-read Physics and Solve Mathematics books … and yeah, I missed a lot last time.

10. Be a mentor.
To younger people. In whatever capacity you can, educate on what you already know this early in life. You may think you know nothing, but to a younger person, whether or not they want to hear it, it’s probably gold.

11. Get some mentors.
Ones that you aspire to be like in the future. Who you want to be. Then, get some who you don’t want to be. Figure out what they did right, or what they messed up. Take them to dinner. Then, go to the bathroom right when the bill is coming (that reminds me about Shoyeb in  C.C.D. HAHAHAH!! poor  Mayur !! )

12. Shopping.
Shop like wake up sid.!

13. Get in crazy crazy nasty shape.
Older you get, harder to do. Hard to do when you travel for work, hard to do with a kid, hard to do when your high school graduation photos look like someone else. So why not see what potential you have now? Eat some plants, lift some stuff, run somewhere, get on a machine to nowhere, whatever. Define "crazy crazy nasty," an ambitious goal that's attainable for you. It’s a goal you can see and feel, and lessons from it often translate well to career or other goals. Oh, and try boxing and Shooting (was my dream when i used to watch my dad boxing & shooting bullets live ).

14. Make a product and sell it from scratch.
Take an idea and turn it into a product. Make little from the Wire or Junk or anything and sell it. you`ll seem to be happy and fulfilled (though in that wise, peaceful, defeatist kind of way), right? But anyway, the product can be tangible or intangible, professional or sloppy ...  just know that you made it, and try to sell it to anyone i.e your friend-firm so on.

15. Own a motorcycle.
Not gonna tell you to ride one.  cause even i don`t know to ride it!! shame on  me !! :-D :-D

16. Go to most continents
Figure out how to get to some, and get there. And get out of the 1st world safety net. Yes, long enough to have people write on your wall confirming that they “miss youuuuuu!” and long enough to add it to your resume ... but then spend some more time. Time actually learning and adapting. Measure in months, minimum.

17. Fall in love > 0 times.
Not necessarily productive in every case, but CAFEDAY (C.C.D). I hate C.C.D with a passion ... and I go on C.C.D every time I'm near one. Know what I mean?

18. Put out a song.
Make a song, album, or music video, alone or with your friends. Music holds within it a legitimacy and creative right that other mediums don’t have to the same extent.
(Wish I could PASTE/PUT my song Mere Warga here)

19. Visit one of the world’s tallest mountain ranges or you had a dream about during school days/Childhood.
Any view from that high up, when it’s that quiet and peaceful, is at once surreal and serenade..

20. Live minimally.
Burn your Desires. Wear torn shirt/tshirt-Jeans, Eat and Drink in low profile shop, Carry dirty bag school/college/office. because sometimes being simple teaches us every little thing.
21: Work at a Startup, and at a Stopdown.
Young success and young failure both teach us youngins a ton. It’s great to try to hit it big, but since we’re living in a revolutionary startup boom, many are bound to fail. Don’t be afraid of that; pick one whose mission aligns with your passions, and check it out for awhile.

22: Go to a world/Country-famous party attraction.
Do it now and you'll get that crazy college feeling. Do it in your 30s / 40s and you'll get that crazy "can't believe I thought I'd have fun coming back to college ... I feel so weird" feeling.

23: Get a custom suit or dress, somehow.
They make you feel good about yourself. Once you can really afford the good ones, it’s already too late. (Probably not like this but you know what i mean!! )

24: Grow some plants.
Learn how to take care of stuff  before you have kids. Nurture them, watch them grow up to be beautiful, and protect them from pests — like bad asses with no manners covered in tattoos — piercing, I meant weeds -bugs and what not. :-D

25: Insult somebody very bad in crowd for their deeds.
Insult somebody so bad that he/she shouldn`t even think of saying sorry for their behavior-deeds because at some point, your sorry doesn`t matters, is it?.

26: Pick a long weekend, and don't stop until you are a much better person or Shout out loud till your throat dries up.
Offcoursealone and in peacefull place!!

27: Learn to cook.
I couldn’t cook until 2008. My uncle always said a woman thinks it’s sexy when a man can cook. 2008 got real sexy.

28: Do you want to do..!! Damage-steal-Fight-Run away.!!! Feel free to do anything strickly anything!!.
Bad advice, looks fun. Never did it, I swear :) finally you got the power.!! remember the hulk from Avengers .. Smash!!

29: Write a letter to yourself in X years.
If you don’t think it’d be the most fascinating thing ever to write yourself a letter (by hand, not on Gmail, because you’ll be too tempted to look) to be opened in 10 years, than you suck as bad as coleslaw. My 10th grade teacher had us write letters to our future selves, to be opened after we graduated high school. He mailed them to us 5 years later. I was so shocked at what I was pondering about at 15, and at how much more depth I had than I could remember, that I stared at the short letter and re-read it for several minutes.
(Probably gonna upload it here after i m done with writing it to me) 

30: Do all this before you turn 30
Do all this before 30, atleast for you children so that  you can tell them “ when I was at your age, I enjoyed my life to the fullest plus never let myself down and never felt regretted!! “

I am on the way to my 30, are you??
so, whats your position in 30? How many you have completed?  Please comment!!!

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