
Friday, September 30, 2016

Thanksgiving to an Artillery Gunner

I have always wanted to be carving myself like him. Wanted the stars to shine on my shoulders too..  Indeed, heavily addicted by his profilically trigonometrical knowledge and achievements. He....(AIG) S.Major A. Chandgadkar my dad is an Engineer in Weapons &Systems pass out from College of Military Engineering, Pune. 

During school days my pride was always gassed up by his Royal Taj band on hand of Artillery; like a walking horse with heavily loaded cavalry. The passing by Jawans never failed to salute and in return on behalf of him I used salute and reply “Jai Hind”. Childhood fun and cherishing memories..!!!

I always had been upset with him as he was never there for me neither on my birthdays nor on school holidays. He was always posted on borders; this hard stone can only fall for his country. 15 years now I am flying to places &grew self-sufficient and sustainable anywhere. 

Thanks a ton DAD.!!

A very Happy Birthday to you…!!! Lots of love..!!!
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