
Sunday, May 8, 2016

That Motherhood... World Mother's Day

That Motherhood... World Mother's Day

That motherhood can't  be written, spelled or described in a day and neither can its celebration be confined to one but its appreciation and care surely requires a very one.

We have arguments with them (heck a lot), feel like they're our enemies, enemies for life, and they have their ways of annoying us dramatically or anonymously , but as children, we can never pay them back for all the pain they go through for us i mean for everything she sacrificed. They can be very different from each other as persons but very similar as mothers. We, the children, when grow up, we often overexpect things from them, to understand us completely which are always incomplete... even though they belonged to a different time and all.

But as soon as we start thinking along those lines, they will make us know that "they know".
And they do sometimes. beautiful Amazingly.

So just for sharing my affection and support, I made this sketch for my dear darling mom. And for all the children too.

 <<will upload in an hour>>

I know the idea of this sketching is really old fashioned, but heck aren't all mothers too? :) :D :D :D

Monday, May 2, 2016

Clean Out Your Junk...!!

Clean Out Your Junk...!!

“Why do we choose partners so different from ourselves? It’s not fate, chance or clichés like ‘the heart wants what it wants’. We choose our partners because they represent the unfinished business from our childhood. And we choose them because they manifest the qualities we wish we had. In doing so, in choosing such a challenging partner and working to give them what they need, we chart a course for our own growth.” MFS07E08 (Debra Radcliffe).

Reminds me of my father when he used to help me out of worst situation where i never wanted to be.!!
Although many miles separate us now we are still close and he calls every few days to tell me just how much he misses me. I am so blessed to have him. He worked hard throughout his life to give us all a good home, good food, good education, good moral values, he really took care of his family and off-course made me to survive anywhere with anything but love and stubbornness to excel. He had my eyes crying during Kargil War when i didn't see him for years (well a story for an another time). His "First things first but at right time" made me way stronger. He taught me to sacrifice the relationships, emotions, and the habits which are hindering to move forward and growth. Nothing is permanent, steady. Life is full of uncertainties and paybacks.  

And now it makes me feels like i am just flowing in downstream, I am adding no values to my struggling life i am just taking it the way it coming. I must react to act.
So on his gratitude, I must sacrifice all relations, habits, and emotions to an end. Whatever it may be, a lovely, a heartily, emotionally or socially. i must put a FULLSTOP.

I have l:earned and realized with whom i supposed to be with and who i want to keep as an acquaintance, on what i am supposed to keep my focus and to which i must act as an ignorant, to whom i must show affection and where to just roll on eyes, with what to carry forward and what to dump behind. Those who want to accompany they will always fly with you or will push you to fly and those who wont, will always loves to eye the holes from ground.

God is the reason for it all.
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